Hawke's Bay Netball offers Year 1 & 2 and Year 3 & 4 Woolworths futureFERNS Programmes in Napier and Hastings in Terms 1 and 4 and in CHB in Terms 2 and 3
Woolworths futureFERNS Programmes for Year 5 & 6 and Year 7 & 8 are in Terms 2 and 3 in Napier, Hastings and CHB.
Coach Development workshops are available before each programme begins. Year 1 & 2 and Year 3 & 4 will be in Terms 1 & 4. Year 5 & 6 and Year 7 & 8 will be the first week on Term 2 for Napier and Hastings. CHB Workshop will be for Years 1 - 8 in the last week of Term 1.
Mitre 10 Park, 42 Percival Road, Tomoana
operations@hbnetball.co.nz 06 878 6864
Bank Account Details: 06-0645-0606210-00